Farhad Jafari

User Centric Product Designer

Over 10 years experience

Passionate about Usability

Expert in Design Systems and Standardization

Selective Projects

Mobile Wallet App - 2024

Procurement, B2B SaaS (2022 - 2024)

B2C, B2B - Telemedicine and EHR Solution (2019 - 2022)


Group buying - 2024 (InProcess)

E-commerce, Online Shop - (2017 -2019)

B2B - AI, Applicant Tracking System, Recruitment (2019-2021)

25+ More Projects

My Process

I help you to increase your

I specialize in product design to boost conversion rates and drive business success by aligning user goals with compelling user experiences
01 .

Deeply understanding the needs and perspectives of the users

02 .

Define the specific problem or opportunity they want to address

03 .

Brainstorm and generate a wide range of creative solutions

04 .

Create prototypes or representations of potential solutions

05 .
Test, Iterate

After testing and receiving feedback, iterates to refine the design.